Thema: „Wild“
17. – 20. Okt. 2024

Our mission is to serve people who crave unique flavors, experiences, and ideas while creating opportunities for chefs to showcase their creativity.


Gefüllter mit Wildfüllung                                            10,50 €
Sauerkraut / Specksoße

Wildpastete                                                                   8,50 €
Sauce Cumberland / Salat – Bouquet


Lammhüfte mit Pilzen, Tomaten u. Zwiebeln     26,50 €
Pommes Frites / Rahmwirsing

Wildschwein Rücken im Kartoffelmantel            24,50 €
Rosmarin – Jus / Rahmwirsing

Wildgulasch in Hagebutten – Rahm                      22,50 €
Hoorige / Rotkohl

Hirschmedaillon im Speckmantel                           31,50 €
Pommes Frites / Rosmarin – Jus / Rahmwirsing

Rehrücken „Jäger Art“                                                  34,50 €
Hoorige / Rotkohl


Apfelstrudel                                                                    6,50 €



Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart

We’re proud of the restaurant we’ve created and the community of staff and customers who have become good friends. Most of all, we’re proud that we can share our passion for good food with you and look forward to seeing you soon.

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